
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

2nd anniversary post aka how i met the most perfect soul

In lieu of V day and a week after our 2nd anni date(and also cos we quarrelled on our actual anniversary day), I'm finally sitting my ass down to write about how Addly and I met. We literally crossed (the internet)paths, two souls just wondering around after experiencing the lowest points in our lives. I can tell you i guarantee this is fate. I never believed in miracles before Addly, i never believed in anything, honestly speaking. When we met, my life literally changed. Overnight. This is my happy ending to a really tragic tale. I can finally say i got the ending i deserved. I waited and waited for something great to look forward to after all that managed to endure. Addly salvaged me.

I would write the specific dates of what happened and when it happened but i would sound like a creep so long story short, i had a crush on Addly, the very first time i saw him. Whoa whoa what's new, i get easily smitten. This was when twitter was still in it's glory days and i would tweet every second of my life. I no longer am active on twitter....might consider deleting it lol. 2 days before Emaths O level paper and i was still fighting the urge to talk to/text the guy, who clearly was ignoring me, but still meant the world to me at that time. I don't know what the fuck about him that made me so so so insistent and persistent and determined to get him to like me back. I don't know. Or rather, i don't wish to remember. The day after, i had a last-minute-to-salvage-whatever math tuition with a group of my tutor's students. I would usually go for tuition one-on-one but that day, he had too many students to meet so he just had a combine lesson. Lesson started and everyone was there except Addly. The tutor told us he was expecting one more and just started the lesson anyway and i was glad he did because i was like,"yeah wtf wait for him for fuck, late then late lor too bad for him/her." 10 mins into the lesson and Addly finally came by. Not gonna lie, as much as i hated him for disrupting the class i was like "wow who dat". He sat with the other guy that was in the class and we resumed lesson. By this time i was like, "ok wow he hella cute but avoid eye contact pls pls pls." I remember we were on this one challenging question and i was blatantly struggling cos of the blank look in my face. The tutor was like, "Melissa, can do?" and i nodded my head anyway lol. He asked Addly to help the guy beside him cos Addly was done with his question, even before the Crescent Girls' girl finished it. Resting in his chair, kicking back and taking it slow and i was like frantically trying to do my question. Talk about prodigy. "Adli, can you help _____?". Italicised the li because all the while i thought that was how his name was spelt. And it was at that time i looked up and he looked up and we made eye contact awkward. I looked back down onto my paper in like 0.00003 seconds after we made eye contact TALK ABOUT OBVIOUS MEL. And it was at that time, i was quite happy cos i finally have a thing for someone NOT IN MY CIRCLE OF FRIENDS. Soon after, lesson ended and it was time to go. His family fetched him home cos his younger brother came by the tutor's house to wait for him(Addly). It was quite a pity cos 1)we hadn't even spoken and he didn't even ask for my name :( I was like, ha, too good to be true. I'm just gonna resume my pitiful and sad life. I even tweeted about him right after tuition ended ahahaha. I can't lie, i sulked the rest of the journey home and i even promised myself that i'll give myself 3 days. If we didn't cross paths again, then that's the end. It obviously wasn't the case. Or was it. O level Emath day passed and so did the other exams. Prom too. I think i was slowly trying to forget him(Addly) and to get back to my usual pace of life. Idk how many times i tried to look on FB for him bcos his name is spelt Add-LY not Adli, Addli(the ways i tried to spell it my god his full name is crazy long and complex ide).
I SOUND SO STALKER AHAHAHA WTF the secret life of a puberty-stricken teenage girl(read from bottom to top). Mind you my twitter was public then ahahaha my god so juvenile. CAN U FEEL THE PAIN IN MY VOICE THRU MY TWEETS.

When we first spoke via fb chat he was super unfriendly like one word reply kind of unfriendly. I was devastated. 2 seconds later he was like, "oh yes i remember you!", thus my tweets lol. Something we both have to work on, mood swings.

Not until one eventful day, i was scrolling through my twitter feed(after dinner i think, 2 months-ish later) AND LO AND BEHOLD GUESS WHOSE FACE I SAW. On this person's twitcon was a picture of 3 guys, one of them was Addly. I WAS LIKE WTF WTF WTF IS THAT WHO I THINK IT IS!? It can't be, idk anyone in this twitcon BECAUSE SOMEONE I WAS FOLLOWING RETWEETED THE PERSON. Never in my wildest dreams would i have ever thought this was happening. I took it as a sign. WHAT ARE THE FUCKING ODDS!!!! If i finished my dinner 15 mins later, i would have never seen that retweet because 1)my feed would have at least 6 new tweets every min i was not on and 2)thus, i sometimes don't bother to scroll all the way back. This person's tweet was at the top of my timeline. SO... through the person who retweeted the person who had addly in his twitcon, i added that guy and then through him i FINALLY FOUND ADDLY ON YES FACEBOOK LIKE hello who in the right mind would spell his name that way *pains of having a common malay name babe* ahahaha. I remembered every single date and time of the day everything happened but i shan't post it here cos it'll make me sound more of a creep than i actually am. Everything went uphill after that, gladly :) there've been some kinks along the way but we managed to straighten it out. He asked me twice(TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND LA), this is the first time somebody was willing to wait for me. He respected my space, he respected the fact that i needed time and space to heal fundamentally. 

There are so many great things about Addly, however i can only name a few off the top of my head. He loves planes, so do i. He took me to the 2012 Airshow on our first date and we hit it off ever since.  He loves fitness, so do i. He loves the fitness part and not really the healthy eating part so i'm helping him with that. He knows the muscle building(lifting) and he helps me with that. He's fantastic at maths and science, i'm more of a linguist. He backs me up no matter how wrong i am. I like to teach and i have a huge bank of knowledge i always want to share, he listens. He watches the feminist speeches i make him watch, most importantly, he understands. He understands my beliefs. Sometimes he questions certain aspects of my beliefs and we debate but that's what keeps the fire going. He is an avid supporter of the feminist movement, and i'm proud. He's cooler with my friends than i am cool with his friends. In short, he can hit it off with my friends but i'm super shy when it comes to his friends. He's super social i'm super socially awkward, which helps cos he is the one who is always brave enough to seek help from the sales assistant when i'm too shy to ask, that sorta thing. He always always always encourages me to do what i set out to do. Like when i'm supposed to study and if i call to tell him i'm not going to study, he scolds me and tells me to study. He's the only person i know who never points out my flaws. He isn't as critical as me, which can be a good thing at times. He only sees the good in people. He tolerates me. He tolerates my incessant whining, nose-digging-in-public, farts, random dance moves in the middle of town(sometimes when i randomly break out in dance or some weird gymnastic move in the middle of a crowded mall, he joins) and my constant want and need to always be right even when i'm wrong. He's taught me the value of money. I wouldn't say we both come from the same economic background, but that's great, because he taught me how money is hard to come by. He taught me hardship. He is extremely kind, generous and selfless. He's compassionate and he's the kind of guy who can't say no. To the point where i have to step in to tell him to say no. I can go on and on but i'll have to write a book if i want to tell you all the amazing things about Addly!



2014. How we really are 80% of the time.

 Thank you God, for the light at the end of the tunnel.

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